Lalo Cruces,

He combines design and art as the fundamental axis of all his interventions. Since his beginnings he has participated in both solo and group exhibitions, in addition to serving as curator since 2013. With a figurative style but with constant touches of magical realism, he assumes the artistic practice from everyday experience and from the materials and elements that, as an artist and designer, transmit him a certain beauty. Since his beginnings he has been dedicated to urban intervention and artistic mural painting, showing great versatility, both in public and private spaces. His constant interaction between design and art leads him to work on numerous proposals focused on the transformation of spaces, which lead to other genres such as performance or installation. His recent Ibercaja national prize for young painting and his intervention in Asia is a remarkable leap in his expansion and artistic growth, becoming the first European artist to hold a solo exhibition and be represented by the prestigious Fish Gallery (Taipei-Taiwan). He participates with Containerland in important Asian art fairs such as Young Art Taipei (Taiwan), Kaohsiung International Art Fair (Taiwan). In 2019 he has his first solo exhibition In UK with the series Containerland for 44AD Gallery.

He discovered Virtual Art already in 2018 making a work of the series “Shoes” at Arco Madrid. He currently resumes this tool working on the “Caprichos de Goya” with Tilt Bush by Google, for Fundación Ibercaja – Museo Goya Zaragoza.

Recent interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icu6iReSy3E&t=150s

my exhibitions at Tamara kreisler gallery

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